Jane Thierfeld Brown is former Assistant Clinical Professor at Yale Child Study, Yale Medical School, Director of College Autism Spectrum and retired Director of Student Services at the University of Connecticut School of Law. She has worked in Disability Services for over 40 years. She holds an Ed.D from Columbia University, Teachers College. Dr. Brown consults with many families, students, school districts and institutions of higher education. Dr. Brown has appeared on Good Morning America, CBS News and NPR. She has co- authored “ Student with Asperger’s: A Guide for College Professionals,” (2009) Translated into Japanese (2017,) “The Parent’s Guide to College for Students on the Autism Spectrum,” (2012) and “Behavior Management and Self-Regulation,” (2012) along with many textbook chapters and articles. Dr. Brown is married and has three children, the youngest being a 31 year old son with Autism.